Tagen & Feiern

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Tagungspavillon Freigeist
Umgeben von Natur und Bergen.

Freistehender Tagungspavillon im Wilhelmy-Garten. Mit Weitsicht und lichtdurchflutetem Seminarraum. Tagen könnte nicht schöner sein. 50 qm Meetingglück für bis zu 30 Personen. Nur 2 Schritte hinaus durch die Vollverglasung und die Kaffeepause kann im Sonnenschein genossen werden.

Raum Tegernsee 4
Mountains are so simple, they're hard.

Isn’t it great to do something you can’t fail at? Only God can make a tree – but you can paint one. Those great big fluffy clouds. Just a happy little shadow that lives in there. This is probably the greatest thing to happen in my life – to be able to share this with you.

You’re the greatest thing that has ever been or ever will be. You’re special. You’re so very special. That’s a crooked tree. We’ll send him to Washington. We can fix anything.

Raum Tegernsee
Mountains are so simple, they're hard.

Isn’t it great to do something you can’t fail at? Only God can make a tree – but you can paint one. Those great big fluffy clouds. Just a happy little shadow that lives in there. This is probably the greatest thing to happen in my life – to be able to share this with you.

You’re the greatest thing that has ever been or ever will be. You’re special. You’re so very special. That’s a crooked tree. We’ll send him to Washington. We can fix anything.

Raum Tegernsee 3
Mountains are so simple, they're hard.

Isn’t it great to do something you can’t fail at? Only God can make a tree – but you can paint one. Those great big fluffy clouds. Just a happy little shadow that lives in there. This is probably the greatest thing to happen in my life – to be able to share this with you.

You’re the greatest thing that has ever been or ever will be. You’re special. You’re so very special. That’s a crooked tree. We’ll send him to Washington. We can fix anything.